Hospice Checklist: 11 Things To Get Ready for Hospice

If you feel like you have a good understanding of hospice care for your loved one, you can gather as a family with this checklist to ensure you’ve taken these steps:

  1. Your loved one has talked to you or written down their wishes for care near the end of life.
  2. Your loved one has completed and signed an advance directive or a living will. You have read it and know where to find it.
  3. One person is chosen to call hospice or to ask your loved one’s doctor for a referral.
  4. One person is chosen to make decisions if your loved one can’t talk.
  5. You understand the 4 levels of hospice care. You know how hospice can help you care for your loved one. You have talked about the spiritual needs of your loved one and your family.
  6. Your loved one has chosen where they want to receive end-of-life care.
  7. One person is chosen as the main caregiver while your loved one is at home.
  8. You have talked with your loved one about handling pain. You can guide the hospice team members on your loved one’s wishes near the end of life.
  9. You have a list of practical questions to ask your hospice team about how to get organized and prepare for hospice.
  10. You understand that this will be a difficult time for your family, and you know emotional support is available.
  11. You have done your research and know how hospice will be paid for.

For More Information

Your doctor and VITAS can help you see if hospice care seems right for your loved one. This will not cost you anything. You can call VITAS at 800.582.9533, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.