Ultimate Moving Checklist 2024: Free Printable

moving checklist Graphic

Embarking on a move can be one of life’s most exciting yet daunting tasks.

Whether you’re moving across town or to a different state, the process involves numerous details that can easily be overlooked.

My moving checklist is free and ready to support you in this move!

You’ll know exactly what to pack, when to hire movers, how to handle utilities, and how to set up your new home.

With thoughtful preparation and a step-by-step approach, you can minimize the chaos and make your move a more enjoyable experience.

Let’s get started on this journey to your new beginning!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Download Your Free Moving Checklist

Moving Checklist

To make your relocation process as smooth as possible, we’ve created a comprehensive moving checklist that you can download for free.

With this checklist in hand, you can approach your move with confidence, knowing you have a proven strategy to make your move easier.

My checklist has been carefully crafted to cover a wide range of moving scenarios, making it a versatile tool for anyone’s moving journey. By following this checklist, you’ll be able to:

Download the checklist now, print it out, and tick off each item as you complete it.

And now, let’s get into my steps more in-depth for how we planned our big move!

5+ Weeks Ahead

Now that we’ve got a plan, let’s dive into it. Five weeks might seem like a long time, but trust us, it’s the perfect time to start your moving process. We’ll tackle:

Declutter Time!

Decluttering is your first step in the moving process- because the less you move with, the better! I honestly started decluttering as soon as we talked about moving.

It really helps save money and time with a moving truck, professional movers, and your own packing efforts to have less stuff to deal with.

Decluttering might seem overwhelming, but it’s actually quite simple when you take it one step at a time.

Start with rooms and items that are easier to declutter, like guest rooms or holiday decorations. As you go through your belongings, ask yourself if you really need each item.

If not, it might be time to let it go and only move with things that make sense for your life and your needs.

Avoid starting with sentimental items, as they can slow down the process. You might spend more time remissing than decluttering, just like I did our first move!

And be honest with yourself- if stuff isn’t in good shape, say goodbye and properly dispose of it.

Budget Your Move

Budgeting your move is a critical step to make sure you don’t spend too much money before you even get into the new house.

How much will you spend on a moving company or will you do it all yourselves? How much will you spend on boxes and supplies to pack and go?

Obtaining estimates from a minimum of three different moving companies is vital for securing a fair price.

Also, be sure to ask for a certificate of insurance from your chosen moving company.

This document shows that the insurance company is insured and can protect you from liability if there are any damages during the move.

With a clear budget in mind, you can avoid any unexpected moving expenses.

Get Packing Supplies (Free??)


Next up: packing supplies. You’ll need to start prepping and packing to get yourself ready for your moving date.

For most moves, you’ll need these packing materials:

But here’s a little secret: you can get some of these supplies for free! Local businesses like restaurants and liquor stores and Facebook groups often have extra boxes you can snag.

Get Schools/Kid Stuff Set Up

If you have kids, you’ll need to start researching schools in your new community if you’re changing districts.

Reach out to potential new schools to start the process, but have a few things ready. Ask your current school for official transcripts, report cards, and standardized test results.

Remember, it’s mandatory to enroll your child in schooling of some type once they turn six and you’ve got to quickly contact the new school when you move.

4 Weeks Ahead

Four weeks to go! You should have the moving date set and start getting things lined up for success.

Now is the time to start packing, hire movers or schedule a truck rental, change your address on official documents, and schedule or cancel utilities.

Here’s how we did it:

Start Packing

boxes full for moving

You’ve decluttered and gotten packing materials: begin the packing process by starting with non-essential items and seasonal things you use most infrequently.

Some tips for a seamless move include:

For essentials, make sure you leave things out you’ll need the next 4 weeks leading up to your moving date.

I left out 2 weeks’ worth of clothes to wash and use again, some kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, and the like so we could still tackle the usual week-to-week craziness.

Hire Movers Or Schedule Truck Rental

You have two options: do it yourself with a rental truck or hire professional movers. Which you pick depends on your budget, proximity to the new location, and personal preference.

We already talked about budgeting, and hopefully, you got some quotes from the previous week to go over now and make the final decision.

If you’re doing it yourself, make sure to schedule the truck rental well in advance to avoid any last-minute hiccups.

Change Address On Official Docs


Updating your address on all official documents is of utmost importance, including:

Schedule/Cancel Utilities

Before you move, make sure to schedule with your service providers to get the old house out of your name.

Contact each utility company and provide them with your new address and move-in date. Remember to cancel any utilities that you won’t be needing at your new home.

3 Weeks Ahead

With three weeks to go, it’s time to sell or donate unwanted items, clear out your pantry, and organize your boxes.

Let’s talk about how to get things done:

Have A Garage Sale, Sell Stuff, Or Donate

Do you still have some stuff you’re not sure to move with? Or maybe, like a lot of us, you made piles of stuff to keep but haven’t taken care of them yet?

A garage sale is a fantastic way to declutter your home and make some extra cash. Price your items reasonably and be open to negotiations.

If garage sales aren’t your thing, there are many online platforms like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace where you can sell your used stuff.

You can also donate most unwanted items to a local charity or thrift store just to get them out of your hair.

Clear Out Your Pantry


As you get closer to your moving day, it’s time to clear out your pantry.

Try to use up your perishable items to avoid wasting food. Donate any unopened and non-perishable items to a local food bank if you don’t want to use them or move with them.

This way, you don’t have to pack and move a ton of food items, which can be heavy and bulky.

Organize Your Boxes

Labeling your boxes clearly is a significant step while packing.

I’ve mentioned it before, and I’ll keep saying it- color-coded labels will save so much time. You can assign a color to each room and use that to know where boxes go.

Our bedroom was purple, the kitchen yellow, the bathrooms blue, and so on, so there were no guessing games on moving.

I also used L and H on each box to be low vs. high priority with unpacking and labeled some as For Brittany or Kelan, so we unpacked our own stuff.

Plus, we left the most important stuff out for last, so it’d go on the truck last and be the first things in and unpacked!

2 Weeks Left

With two weeks to go, it’s all about the final preparations.

You need to get your cleaning caddy ready, set up mail forwarding, and arrange for childcare on moving day.

Let’s accomplish these tasks!

Get Cleaning Caddy Ready

Dollar Tree Cleaning Supplies

A well-stocked cleaning caddy is your best friend during a move. Include cleaning essentials like:

Look for a spacious caddy (or even a large box) that can fit all these supplies, and make sure everything is easy to reach.

A clean home is a happy home, and your future self will thank you for taking care of cleaning as you move in! I even have a daily cleaning checklist to help you along the way.

Get Mail Forwarding

Set up mail forwarding at the post office to ensure you don’t miss any important mail.

Completing a change of address form should be done at least two weeks before you move to ensure all your mail gets forwarded to your new home.

Update your address in person or online at your post office’s website.

Child Care For Moving Day


On the moving day, having someone to look after your children can make things go much smoother.

This way, you can focus on the move while knowing your children are in safe hands and completely out of the way when things are busy- and heavy boxes are involved.

Arrange for a babysitter or ask family members to help out watching them for a day or two while you get settled.

Then, plan how they can help with unpacking and decorating the house or find the toys first so they can be entertained while everything else is in boxes.

1 Weeks To Go!

The final countdown begins! With just one week to go, it’s all about wrapping up the last-minute tasks and making sure all your i’s are dotted.

Let’s get into the last things to do before you officially move:

Clean Up The House

At this point, your house should be mostly packed up to go, besides the last-minute necessities.

With everything mostly out of the way, now it’s time for a final clean-up.

Use your cleaning caddy to wipe down surfaces, clean the rooms, and get things ready for the new owners.

If you’re leaving an apartment, this is your last chance to ensure you get your security deposit back and leave things relatively the same as when you moved in.

Pack Overnight/First Night Essentials

packing suitcase

As you pack your belongings, remember to set aside the essentials for your first night in the new home. This includes:

Having these essentials readily available will make your first night much smoother.

Pack Snacks & Canned Goods For 1st Night

While you’re packing, don’t forget to set aside some cheap foods, snacks, and non-perishable food for your first night. This could include:

Having food ready for your first night means one less thing to worry about.

Moving Day

The big day is finally here! Now is the moment to implement everything you’ve prepared and organized.

Let’s go through the final steps to ensure a smooth moving day:

Get Water & Heat Turned On

You should have reached out to the utility companies a few weeks back, so you should have everything in your name and done.

Some owners will turn utilities off when they move out, so once you move in, make sure you turn on the water, water heater, and AC or furnace.

Change The Locks

For your security and peace of mind, it’s a good idea to change the locks in your new home. You never know who might have a key to the old locks.

If you’re handy, you can do it yourself- Kelan did it when we moved, and it only took about 20 minutes.

Get Groceries Delivered

grocery delivery

After a long day of moving, the last thing you’ll want to do is go grocery shopping. Consider scheduling a grocery delivery for your move-in day or the day after.

This ensures you have fresh produce, meats, and other essentials ready for your first few days in your new home.

Have Water Bottles Ready

Moving is hard work, and it’s important to stay hydrated.

Have water bottles ready for your movers and your family. It’s a small gesture that can go a long way toward keeping everyone comfortable and energized.

Don’t Skip Meals!

Even though you’ll be busy, don’t forget to eat! We all get hangry and snappy, and moving takes time and effort, so you need to be at your best.

Skipping meals leads to lower energy levels and increased stress. Pack some healthy snacks or plan for a quick meal during the day, even if you order pizza or grab McDonald’s.

Clean As You Go

As you unpack, try to clean as you go. We talked about doing some big cleaning stuff as you move, but you can clean the floors, toilets, etc., during the first week rather than on move-in day.

Wipe down surfaces and vacuum rooms as they’re emptied. This helps keep your new home clean and fresh, making it more comfortable as you settle in.

Unpack Priority Boxes

Finally, it’s time to unpack. Unpacking can be a slow process, but taking it one box at a time can make it manageable.

Start with your priority boxes- these should contain essential items like bedding, bathroom essentials, and kitchen items that you’ll need right away.

This is why we color-coded and labeled priority- so you can get to the stuff that matters most.


How to prepare to move?

family moving

You should start as early as 5 weeks before the move date to ensure everything goes smoothly.

This way, you can compare costs and services, and pick the professional moving company that suits your needs best.

If you’re moving on your own, remember to:

After all, the more prepared you are, the smoother your moving process will be.

When should I start preparing for my move?

Start preparing for your move around 5 weeks before the move date to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.

If you’ve started looking at houses, that’s your chance to start decluttering and packing things you won’t need in the next month or 2.

How do I declutter my home before a move?

Start with decluttering one room at a time and go through everything in it- even if it takes a day or two, that’s okay!

When going through your belongings, ask yourself if you really need each item, and let go of those you don’t.

A quick rule of thumb- if you haven’t used it in a year, do you really need it or want it?

How do I choose a moving company?

To choose a moving company, prioritize reputation and experience, and obtain at least three estimates before deciding.

This will help you find a reliable and cost-effective option that fits your budget.

What should I do with unwanted items?

Consider donating to a thrift store, selling items on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, or having a garage sale.

It’s a great way to clear out unwanted items and make some extra cash.

Final Thoughts

couple moving

And there you have it – my guide and a free printable moving checklist!

With this guide, you’re well on your way to starting a new chapter in your new home. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free relocation.

Remember, preparation is key, and taking each step at a time can make the process much more manageable.

So get this checklist printed and get everyone to work! It’s time to start a new chapter in your life with a clean slate.

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About Brittany Kline

Hi, I'm Brittany Kline! A organization, productivity, and home systems expert. With my master's degree in education and life experience as a mom I help other moms simplify and organize their entires lives. I have been featured in online publications like Forbes, TIME, USA Today, Huffington Post, Business Insider, Marie Claire, The Penny Hoarder, Bankrate, Nerd Wallet, CNBC, Acorns, Yahoo Finance, MSN, GoBankingRates, Her Money, Thrive Global, The Simple Dollar, Money Crashers, Readers Digest, FinCon, Best Company, Rent Cafe, Romper, Intuit Turbo, Opp Loans, CreditCards.com, Debt.com, Discover, LifeLock, Quick Sprout, Money Geek and many more! Click here to read all of my posts.