Top 18 Database Projects Ideas for Students

In the realm of computer science and IT courses, a well-constructed database project can be a game-changer for students eager to showcase their skills. If you’re a student on the hunt for compelling database project ideas for your database homework, you’re in the right place. From designing intuitive library management systems to creating dynamic student portals, the world of databases offers a plethora of opportunities. In this guide, we’ll delve into a variety of database project ideas specifically curated to spark inspiration and set you on the path to academic excellence.

1. Inventory control management Database Project

Design goals: maintain a proper variety of required items, increase inventory turnover, reduce and maintain optimize inventory and safety stock levels, obtain low raw material prices, reduce storage cost, reduce insurance cost, reduce taxes.

Tables: Items, Inventory, InventoryTurnover, Suppliers, PurchaseOrders, OrderDetails, Storage, StorageCosts, Insurance, Taxes, SafetyStock, RawMaterials, RawMaterialPrices, Transactions, Vendors.

2. Student Record Keeping System Database Project

Design goals: a student file that contains the information about the student, a stream file, a marks file, a fee file, concession/scholarship, etc.

Tables: Students, Streams, Marks, Fees, Scholarships, Concessions.

3. Online Retail Application Database Project

A customer can register to purchase an item. The customer will provide the bank account number and bank name (can have multiple account numbers). After registration, each customer will have a unique customer, user id, and password. A customer can purchase one or more items in different quantities. The items can of different classes based on their prices.

Based on the quantity, the price of the item, and discount (if any) on the purchased items, the bill will be generated. A bank account is required to settle the bill. The items can be ordered from one or more suppliers.

Tables: Customers, BankAccounts, Items, ItemClasses, Orders, OrderDetails, Discounts, Bills, Suppliers, SupplierItems.

4. College Database Project

A college contains many departments. Each department can offer any number of courses. Many instructors can work in a department, but an instructor can work only in one department. For each department, there is an ahead, and an instructor can be the head of only one department. Each instructor can take any number of courses, and a course can be taken by only one instructor.

A student can enroll in any number of courses and each course can have any number of students.

Tables: Departments, Courses, Instructors, DepartmentHeads, Enrollments, Students.

5. Railway System Database Project

A railway system, which needs to model the following:

  1. Stations.
  2. Tracks, connecting stations. You can assume for simplicity that only one track exists between any two stations. All the tracks put together to form a graph.
  3. Trains, with an ID and a name.
  4. Train schedules recording what time a train passes through each station on its route.

You can assume for simplicity that each train reaches its destination on the same day and that every train runs every day. Also, for simplicity, assume that for each train, for each station on its route, you store.

  1. Passenger booking consisting of train, date, from-station, to station, coach, seat and passenger name.

Tables: Stations, Tracks, Trains, TrainSchedules, Coaches, Bookings, Passengers.

6. Hospital Management System Database Project

A patient will have a unique Patient ID. Full description about the patient about personal detail and phone number, and then Disease and what treatment is going on. The doctor will handle patients, one doctor can Treat more than 1 patient. Also, each doctor will have a unique ID. Doctor and Patients will be related. Patients can be admitted to the hospital.

So different room numbers will be there, also rooms for Operation Theaters and ICU. There are some nurses, and ward boys for the maintenance of the hospital and for patient take care. Based upon the number of days and treatment bill will be generated.

Tables: Patients, Doctors, Treatments, Rooms, OperationTheaters, ICUs, Nurses, WardBoys, Bills.

7. Library Management System Database Project

A student and faculty can issue books. Different limits for the number of books a student and teacher can issue. Also, the number of days will be distinct in the case of students and teachers for issue any book. Each book will have a different ID. Also, each book of the same name and same author (but the number of copies) will have a different ID.

Entry of all the book will be done, who issue that book and when and also duration. Detail of Fine (when the book is not returned at a time) is also stored.

Tables: Students, Faculty, Books, Authors, BookIssues, Fines.

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8. Payroll Management System Database Project

There will entry (Unique ID) of all the employees of any organization. According to the date of joining and the date up to which salary is created, the number of days will be entered. Basic pay will be defined according to the post of employee and department. Then component like DA, HRA, medical allowance, Arrears will be added, and Charges of Hostel/Bus, Security, welfare fund and other will be deducted. The number of leaves taken by the employee.

Tables: Employees, JoiningDetails, Departments, Posts, BasicPay, Allowances, Deductions, Leaves, Salaries.

9. Healthcare organization Database Project

This organization provides the following functionalities:

Any new Patient is first registered in their database before meeting the doctor. The Doctor can update the data related to the patient upon diagnosis (Including the disease diagnosed and prescription). This organization also provides rooms facility for admitting the patient who is critical. Apart from doctors, this organization has nurses and ward boys.

Each nurse and ward boy is assigned to a doctor. Also, they can be assigned to patients (to take care of them). The bill is paid by the patient with cash and E-banking. The record of each payment made is also maintained by the organization. The record of each call received to provide help and support to its existing person is also maintained.

Tables: Patients, Doctors, Diagnoses, Rooms, Nurses, WardBoys, Assignments, Payments, EmergencyCare, SupportGroups, SupportCalls.

10. Restaurant Management Database Project

Tables: MenuItems, OnlineOrders, PhoneOrders, DeliveryBoys, AreaCodes, Customers, Discounts.

11. Design a Scenario and An Er Diagram for An It Training Group Database Project

It will meet the information needs of its training program. Clearly indicate the entities, relationships, and key constraints.

The description of the environment is as follows:

Tables: Instructors, Trainees, Courses, TrainingSessions, InstructorTeams, Assignments, ResearchTasks.

12. Blood Donation System Database Project

A system in which data of patient, data of donor, data of blood bank would be saved and will be interrelation with each other.

Data of Patient – Patient Name, Patient Id, Patient Blood Group, Patent Disease.
Data of Donar – Donar Name, Donar Id, Donar Bood Group, Donar Medical report, Donar Address, Donar Contact number.
Data of Blood Bank – Blood Bank Name, Blood Bank Address, Blood bank Donor’s name, Blood Bank Contact Number, Blood Bank Address.

Try to implement such scenario in a database, create a schema for it, an ER diagram for it and try to normalize it.

Tables: Patients, Donors, BloodBanks, BloodBankDonors, BloodInventory, PatientDonorMatch.

13. Art Gallery Management Database Project

Design an E-R Diagram for an Art Gallery. Gallery keeps the information about “Artist” their Name, Birthplace, Age & Style of Art about “Art Work,” Artist, the year it was made, Unique title, Type of art & Prices must be stored. The piece of artwork is classified into various kinds like Poetess, Work of the 19th century still life, etc.

Gallery keeps the information about Customers as their Unique name, Address, Total amount of Dollars, they spent on Gallery, and liking of Customers.

Tables: Artists, ArtWorks, ArtTypes, Customers.

14. Hotel Management System Database Project

A hotel is a hive of numerous operations such as front office, booking, and reservation, banquet, finance, HR, inventory, material management, quality management, security, energy management, housekeeping, CRM, and more. The hotel has some rooms, and these rooms are of different categories. By room category, each room has a different price.

A hotel has some employees to manage the services provided to customers. The customer can book the room either online or by cash payment at the hotel. The customer record is stored in the hotel database which contains customer identity, his address, check-in time, check-out time, etc. hotel provides food and beverages to their customers and generates the bill for this at the time of their check out.

Tables: Rooms, RoomCategories, Employees, Customers, Bookings, Payments, FoodAndBeverages, Bills.

15. School Management System Database Project

Design a database to maintain information about school staff (staff management system in Ms access) and students satisfying the following properties:

  1. Staff will have their id, name, and classes they are teaching.
  2. The student will be having the name, roll no, section, class.
  3. Another table containing the section, subject, and teacher information.
  4. Next will contain fee information for students.
  5. One contains salary information for teachers.
  6. Rooms are assigned to classes keeping in mind that there is no time clash of same room or lab, students cannot be entered in more than one section, no student should be there who have not paid fees up to a particular date.

Tables: Staff, Students, SectionSubjectTeacher, StudentFees, TeacherSalaries, RoomAssignments.

16. Wholesale Management System Database Project

  1. Maintain the details of stock like their id, name, quantity.
  2. Maintain the details of buyers from which the manager has to buy the stock like buyer id, name, address, stock id to be bought.
  3. Details of customers i.e. name, address, id.
  4. Defaulter’s list of customers who have not paid their pending amount.
  5. List of payments paid or pending.
  6. The stock that is to buy if quantity goes less than a particular amount.
  7. Profit calculation for a month.
  8. Quantity cannot be sold to a customer if the required amount is not present in stock and the date of delivery should be maintained up to which stock can be provided.

Tables: Stocks, Buyers, Customers, Defaulters, Payments, StockReorder, MonthlyProfit, DeliveryDates.

17. Salary Management System Database Project

  1. Employee list to be maintained having id, name, designation, experience.
  2. Salary details having employee id, current salary.
  3. Salary in hand details having employee id, CTC salary, pf deduction or any other deduction and net salary to be given and also maintain details of total savings of employee.
  4. Salary increments to be given by next year if any depending upon constraints.
  5. Deduction in monthly salary if any depending upon any discrepancy in work and amount to be deducted.

Tables: Employees, SalaryDetails, SalaryInHand, Savings, SalaryIncrements, MonthlyDeductions.

18. Atm Management System Database Project

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