Your EA credentials may have expired, please try again or reset your password.
its 2023 and ea still haven’t fixed this. I’m trying to log in to play madden 23 since it’s on game pass and can’t sign in because of that same error message.
Message 1 of 17 (17,393 Views)EA_Shepard
Community ManagerWhen this error happens, and resetting the password to your EA account doesn't work, in most cases, you are resetting the password to the wrong email on file with the EA account.
If you log into with a console if you have one linked or other account, you can go into the settings and see which email it is you have on file.
If that is not an option for you, and you are simply not able to log into your EA profile, you will need to reach out to live support so that they can locate the account and help you get that updated.
In most cases expired credentials just mean you haven't logged into the EA side like PC and play mainly on other platforms and the login info just needs updating. You can contact our live support at .
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