U.S. percentage of minimum wage workers 2023, by state
In 2023, around 2.9 percent of hourly wage workers in Rhode Island earned wages at or below the federal minimum wage. This was the highest share of any U.S. state, followed by the District of Columbia with 2.2 percent of hourly wage workers making minimum wage or less.
Percentage of workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the minimum wage in the United States in 2023, by state
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Other statistics on the topic
U.S. minimum wage 2024, by state
U.S. inflation rate versus wage growth 2020-2024
U.S. minimum wage: real and nominal value 1938-2024
Residential Real Estate
Hourly wages needed to afford a two-bedroom apartment in the U.S. 2024, by state
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Statistics on " Minimum wage in the United States "
The most important statistics
- Ranking of OECD countries by real national minimum wage 2022
- U.S. percentage of minimum wage workers 2023, by state
- U.S. minimum wage 2024, by state
- U.S. minimum wage: real and nominal value 1938-2024
- U.S. minimum wage if it grew with productivity 1968-2021
- U.S. inflation rate versus wage growth 2020-2024
The most important statistics
- U.S. workers paid minimum wage 1979-2022
- U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by occupation
- U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by race and ethnicity
- U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by age
- U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by gender and full-/part-time status
- U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by education
- U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by marital status
The most important statistics
- U.S. percent distribution of minimum wage workers 2023, by occupation
- U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by industry
- Annual cost of living in top 10 largest U.S. cities in 2022
- Hourly wages needed to afford a two-bedroom apartment in the U.S. 2024, by state
- U.S. number of low wage violation cases FY 2023, by industry
- U.S. number of low wage violation cases FY 2009-2022, by type
The most important statistics
- U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by amount
- U.S. whether the federal minimum wage is high enough for decent quality of life 2024
- U.S. on minimum wage being high enough for decent quality of life 2024, by party
- U.S. share of adults in favor of a minimum wage increase 2024, by gender
- U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by age
- U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by urban area
- U.S. share of adults who want a minimum wage increase 2024, by political party
Other statistics that may interest you Minimum wage in the United States
- Premium Statistic Ranking of OECD countries by real national minimum wage 2022
- Premium Statistic U.S. percentage of minimum wage workers 2023, by state
- Basic Statistic U.S. minimum wage 2024, by state
- Basic Statistic U.S. minimum wage: real and nominal value 1938-2024
- Premium Statistic U.S. minimum wage if it grew with productivity 1968-2021
- Basic Statistic U.S. inflation rate versus wage growth 2020-2024
Characteristics of minimum wage workers
- Basic Statistic U.S. workers paid minimum wage 1979-2022
- Premium Statistic U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by occupation
- Basic Statistic U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by race and ethnicity
- Premium Statistic U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by age
- Premium Statistic U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by gender and full-/part-time status
- Basic Statistic U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by education
- Premium Statistic U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by marital status
Low wage employment
- Premium Statistic U.S. percent distribution of minimum wage workers 2023, by occupation
- Premium Statistic U.S. number of minimum wage workers 2023, by industry
- Premium Statistic Annual cost of living in top 10 largest U.S. cities in 2022
- Basic Statistic Hourly wages needed to afford a two-bedroom apartment in the U.S. 2024, by state
- Premium Statistic U.S. number of low wage violation cases FY 2023, by industry
- Premium Statistic U.S. number of low wage violation cases FY 2009-2022, by type
- Premium Statistic U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by amount
- Premium Statistic U.S. whether the federal minimum wage is high enough for decent quality of life 2024
- Premium Statistic U.S. on minimum wage being high enough for decent quality of life 2024, by party
- Premium Statistic U.S. share of adults in favor of a minimum wage increase 2024, by gender
- Premium Statistic U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by age
- Premium Statistic U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by urban area
- Premium Statistic U.S. share of adults who want a minimum wage increase 2024, by political party
Further related statistics
- Premium Statistic Wages in the U.S.: attitudes towards raising the minimum wage 2013
- Premium Statistic Support for raising the U.S. minimum wage, by political party ID 2013
- Premium Statistic U.S. percentage of minimum wage workers 2022, by occupation
- Premium Statistic U.S. percent distribution of minimum wage workers 2022, by industry
- Premium Statistic U.S. percentage of minimum wage workers 2022, by industry
- Premium Statistic U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by age
- Premium Statistic U.S. percent distribution of minimum wage workers 2022, by gender and working hours
- Basic Statistic U.S. workers paid minimum wage 1979-2022, by gender
- Premium Statistic Wages in the U.S.: attitudes towards raising the minimum wage in 2013
- Premium Statistic Public opinion on whether the federal government should set a minimum wage 2013
- Basic Statistic U.S. workers paid below minimum wage 1979-2022, by gender
- Basic Statistic Wages in the U.S.: real and nominal value of the minimum wage through 2013
- Premium Statistic U.S. job openings paying under 15 USD per hour 2013
- Premium Statistic Top ten occupations with most workers making below 15 USD per hour U.S. 2012-2014
- Premium Statistic Wages in the U.S.: small-business owners' support for raising the minimum wage 2013
- Premium Statistic Purchasing power of statutory minimum wages in the CEE region 2023
- Basic Statistic Perception of a fair minimum wage by employers in the United States, in June 2015
- Premium Statistic Influence of minimum wage policy on voting decisions Thailand 2019
- Premium Statistic Opinion on provision of minimum wage and insurance to health workers in India 2021
Further Content: You might find this interesting as well
- Wages in the U.S.: attitudes towards raising the minimum wage 2013
- Support for raising the U.S. minimum wage, by political party ID 2013
- U.S. percentage of minimum wage workers 2022, by occupation
- U.S. percent distribution of minimum wage workers 2022, by industry
- U.S. percentage of minimum wage workers 2022, by industry
- U.S. share of adults who support a minimum wage increase 2024, by age
- U.S. percent distribution of minimum wage workers 2022, by gender and working hours
- U.S. workers paid minimum wage 1979-2022, by gender
- Wages in the U.S.: attitudes towards raising the minimum wage in 2013
- Public opinion on whether the federal government should set a minimum wage 2013
- U.S. workers paid below minimum wage 1979-2022, by gender
- Wages in the U.S.: real and nominal value of the minimum wage through 2013
- U.S. job openings paying under 15 USD per hour 2013
- Top ten occupations with most workers making below 15 USD per hour U.S. 2012-2014
- Wages in the U.S.: small-business owners' support for raising the minimum wage 2013
- Purchasing power of statutory minimum wages in the CEE region 2023
- Perception of a fair minimum wage by employers in the United States, in June 2015
- Influence of minimum wage policy on voting decisions Thailand 2019
- Opinion on provision of minimum wage and insurance to health workers in India 2021
Minimum wage in the U.S. Wages and salaries in the U.S. Earnings and wages in the UK Poverty and income in the United States Wage inequality in the U.S.
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