20+ Best Google Docs Agenda Templates: Prepare The Perfect Meeting

Google Docs Agenda Templates

Meetings can be a tedious chore if done incorrectly and can often waste time that could be utilized productively otherwise. As such, it is incredibly important to have meetings that are clear, concise, and focused. These meeting agenda templates for Google Docs will help you prepare for the perfect meeting.

Table of Contents

Why Are Meeting Agendas Important?

There are a few reasons using meeting agendas can seriously boost your meetings’ effectiveness.

Firstly, meeting agendas provide a clear focus to the meeting , allowing all participants to be cognizant of the main themes that are supposed to be explored.

Secondly, meeting agendas encourage and foster collaboration . If you formulate a meeting agenda with a team, it provides an opportunity to boost team morale and build rapport.

Thirdly, meeting agendas ensure meetings remain succinct and efficient. Time is often wasted in deciding what a meeting should be about , which is nullified by a thoughtfully designed meeting agenda.

What Makes A Good Meeting Agenda?

Firstly, the meeting agenda must be concise. Meeting agendas should be at most one page long. If your agenda exceeds this length, consider putting the extra content in a separate meeting or including a pre-meeting write-up to be sent.

Secondly, the meeting agenda should suggest, not discuss. The point of a meeting agenda is to provide direction. As a result, it should not include meeting content. Instead, the meeting agenda should focus on the topics of discussion. This means the inclusion of action verbs to elucidate what avenues of discussion should be taken.

To maximize the utility of a meeting agenda, ensure it is distributed before the meeting.

How To Use Meeting Agenda Template In Google Docs

To access and make changes to the templates provided within this article, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the template by simply clicking on the image.
    Meeting Agenda Name
  2. Next, navigate to the File options on the top left of your screen.
    Navigating to File Options
  3. In the drop-down menu that follows, click “Make a copy.”
  4. Selecting this option will prompt you to name your copy and choose where it is supposed to be saved. Complete those steps, and the template is now yours to modify!

List Of Meeting Agenda Templates

Now that you’re familiar with all things meeting templates, let’s get into the meat of the article: the templates themselves!

1. One-on-one Meeting Agenda Template

One-on-one Meeting Agenda Template

This template will help orient your one-on-one meeting in the best way possible. Ensure you’re not missing out on anything by utilizing a clean structure! Of course, the key thing about this template is the direction of conversation it encourages.

It hands the reins of the attendee and ensures that they drive the conversation. As such, this template goes a long way in ensuring the other person feels heard, which is perhaps the most important component of such a meeting.

2. Basic Meeting Agenda Template

Basic Meeting Agenda Template

If you’re looking to keep it classy and concise, this is the best meeting agenda template for you. Minimal fluff, maximum efficiency.

3. Complete Meeting Agenda Template

Complete Meeting Agenda Template

If you want to ensure no detail goes missed in your meeting, this template is for you. With everything from attendees to action items, you’ll stay on top of the meeting with this! It even allows you to quickly jot down the next meeting’s agenda, which may come up in the present meeting. Noting such things down is of incredible utility, as one scarcely remembers the minutia of meetings anyways!

4. Clean Meeting Agenda Template

Clean Meeting Agenda Template

This template minimizes the fluff on the previous template. If you want to deliver a straight-edged, strictly business vibe, this should be your go-to template.

5. Board Meeting Agenda Template

Board Meeting Agenda Template

Board meetings can be notoriously difficult to keep track of if conversation becomes involved. This template will help you organize and ensure no points are missed. If you’re looking to make a lasting impression, this template should be your first pick.

6. Marketing Meeting Agenda Template

Marketing Meeting Agenda Template

Marketing meetings can be overwhelming, as the data at one’s fingertips can result in analysis paralysis quite easily. The above template ensures that you stay organized, structured, and clear in your evaluation. After all, a well-informed marketing team is an effective one.

7. Project Initiation Meeting Agenda

Project Initiation Meeting Agenda

When kicking off any project, it is incredibly important to start on the right foot. This meeting agenda template ensures just that by providing the structure required to make your ideas shine. Specifically, it lists down all the important considerations and guarantees nothing slips the mind. Furthermore, it provides a background on the project, ensuring that the genesis of such a process is informed and well-intentioned.

8. Sales Meeting Agenda Template

Sales Meeting Agenda Template

Make sure your sales department is informed and ready with this excellent template that does all the heavy thinking for you! With topics of interest clearly marked and a section to jot down all things worthy of note, this template provides you with just the right amount of guidance, letting you take the wheel from there.

9. Post-Project Meeting Template

Post-Project Meeting Template

With every completed project, there is a lot to learn. Things that went well and those that did not. Consider all that and more with this meeting agenda template specifically designed to get the retrospective juices flowing.

10. First Interaction Meeting Agenda Template

First Interaction Meeting Agenda Template

The first time you meet someone is always the most daunting. This is no less true for the first interaction you have with a team. As their supervising employee, it is essential that the first meeting builds rapport, establishes familiarity, and promotes friendship among the team.

Furthermore, the meeting should set the team’s expectations and provide avenues for honest feedback. The template above does all this and more! If you’re meeting with a new team, this template should be your pick.

11. Brainstorming Meeting Agenda Template

Brainstorming Meeting Agenda Template

Brainstorming can be a beautiful thing. A melding of the minds to create unique solutions to a common problem. However, if a brainstorming session has no structure, it is doomed to fail. The template above provides a vital scaffolding to the brainstorming process, which can be used to efficiently and creatively approach a given problem.

12. Employee Meeting Agenda Template

Employee Meeting Agenda Template

While businesses follow a strictly hierarchical structure regarding who reports to whom, this structure must sometimes be broken to allow for clear and honest communication. When this structure is broken, or some levels are “skipped,” a skip-level meeting is what occurs.

In such a meeting, the regional manager of a bank may consult the Personal Banking Officers directly instead of talking to the branch manager. The above template provides a clear structure for such a meeting.

13. Daily Meeting Agenda Template

Daily Meeting Agenda Template

A daily meeting that discusses the tasks of the day is vital for many businesses. Interestingly, such meetings are also called “standup meetings,” given that they are usually short affairs and are attended on one’s feet.

Of course, even a daily meeting requires structure and clarity of purpose, which the above template provides plentifully. If you’re looking to make those ten-minute meetings as productive as possible, this template is for you.

14. Quarterly Review Meeting Agenda Template

Quarterly Review Meeting Agenda Template

Arguably, no meeting is as important as quarterly review meetings. Too early in the fiscal year to be beyond repair and just deep enough to have some solid data, quarterly review meetings are a golden opportunity for a business to correct course or to stay on the path. As such, a clear purpose and indomitable structure are absolutely necessary.

The above template provides both, clearly outlining the important points of discussion. Furthermore, it invites us to reflect on past quarters, ensuring a holistic view is taken in the meeting. If you’re aiming to be precise and data-driven this fiscal year, the above template should be your number one pick.

15. Pastel Meeting Minutes

Pastel Meeting Minutes

For meetings where the going is light and vibes are chill, a subtle pastel meeting minutes can really bring it all together. While such a template is inadvisable for serious meetings, relaxed affairs can be documented using this breezy layout.

Of course, even matters of levity are worth documenting but should be done so appropriately. No template is more appropriate for lighter meetings than this one.

16. Tabular Meeting Agenda

Tabular Meeting Agenda

If your meetings are too chaotic and jumbled despite an overall structure, you may need to impose a stricter ordering of affairs. Specifically, the template above utilizes a tabular approach to demarcate not just topics, but also the optimal discussion time for them.

While those can be modified on the fly, this template allows you to think in a regimented manner to allow your meetings to proceed unencumbered. Indeed, if you’re finding it difficult to stay on track during meetings, this template is the one for you.

17. Strategic Meeting Agenda

Strategic Meeting Agenda

This strategic meeting agenda comes in a pleasing purple color that allows for a ton of customization. This template is excellent for companies who wish to advertise their meeting agendas and tend to hold more public, open-floor meetings primarily because of the aesthetic nature of the template itself.

18. Modern Meeting Agenda

Modern Meeting Agenda

Easy to read and minimalistic, that’s how a modern meeting agenda should look like. And, this template is the absolute epiphany of it. Featuring a black and lime-green design, this template ensures that your key topics remain striking and vibrant for all attendees to easily digest.

19. Watercolor Team Meeting Agenda

Watercolor Team Meeting Agenda

Meetings can get quite dull and boring sometimes. So, why not opt for something refreshing? The Watercolor Team Meeting Agenda tries to brighten things up by introducing a mix of fun pastel colors and a whacky font with a super-detailed agenda template that’ll surely keep your meetings interesting.

20. Green Weekly Meeting Agenda

Green Weekly Meeting Agenda

Want a very comprehensive template that covers the entire week? This green-colored template will surely get the job done. With a ton of entries that let you

21. Multicolor Meeting Agenda

Multicolor Meeting Agenda

Save the best for last, the Multicolor Meeting Agenda is one of our personal favorites. It allows you to really carve out your meetings by adding in speakers, what they’re going to be talking about, their exact duration, starting times, and locations.

In essence, while this agenda is too detailed to be used for a simple in-office meeting, it is great for larger conferences where meetings tend to be a bit more scattered. By using this agenda, you’ll be able to bring in a lot more harmony to office discourse.

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Saad is a Computer Sciences enthusiast who has been playing games since his childhood. A huge fan of MOBAs like Dota 2, he's a tech geek with a love for gaming at heart!